We deliver weekly to florists in Aspen, Basalt, and Carbondale from June-September. Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing flowers wholesale from us.

** NOTE: This option is only available to florists/ those with sales tax liscenses **

I can’t wait for you to see how great local flowers are…


Roaring Fork Valley Farmers and Ranchers bring sustainable food to the Valley.

We are a part of a larger collective to bring sustainable food and products to the Roaring Fork Valley. Click on the rancher to see the movement.

Juniper Farms feature in Edible Aspen. The emphasis is to provide organic vegetables and cut flowers to the Roaring Fork Valley, including Carbondale, Aspen, Snowmass and Basalt.

Featured in Edible Aspen

Sopris Sun features Juniper Farm in an article describing the sustainable farming practices that Abby Zlotnick brings to the Roaring Fork Valley. They provide organic, non-gmo and pesticide free vegetables and flowers for CSA, weddings and market.

View our feature in the Sopris Sun!

Wedding Flowers, floral arrangements, unique bouquets and a one of a kind experience is provided by Juniper Farm- see their feature in Wed West Slope to contact and find out the wedding and event flower offerings. Local, sustainable and organic farm.

Local Wedding Inspiration via Wed West!